Content contracting plans for businesses and projects of all sizes

Choose an affordable plan that gives you access to expertly curated content with the best features for engaging your audience, creating customer loyalty, and driving product adoption.


Most popular

This package allows me to create video content for you or your business on my YouTube channel and yours.


  • Up to 30 min of video content
  • Will be specific to your product
  • I'll teach and advise viewers to use the product
  • Call out any specifics per your request
  • I'll promote the content on my social media channels
  • I'll share it within my developer networks


I will create blog posts for you or your clients. You have ownership of the content and will only be publish on your blog.


  • Up to 1500 words of written content
  • Will be a topic of my choosing approved by you
  • Will be posted on your blog
  • You have full ownership of the content
  • I'll tweet to promote the post on my network


This covers all sorts of speaking engagements including Podcasts, Webinars, Conference talks, and Twitter spaces.


  • Up to 30 min of speaking and presentation
  • Will be a topic of my choosing approved by you
  • Remote or on-site (you'll cover travel expenses)
  • Will tweet to promote the talk on my network
  • I'll share the event on my social media channels

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I spend most of my time making content like blog posts, video tutorials, courses, speaking at conferences or delivering workshops. If you're interested in web development and Jamstack technologies, or you just want to be up to date with my activities, subscribe here.